Work from home but keep your day job.

Work from home but keep your day job.

Out in the corporate world, there’s a movement building; a landscape shift of tectonic proportions. Five years ago, it was barely perceptible but today, visible signs are everywhere. Jaded office workers are heading for the exits; desperate to leave the rat race...
How our careers are destroying our children

How our careers are destroying our children

I have an embarrassing collection of Leatherman tools. Anywhere I turn, there’s a Wingman, Wave or Skeletool to slice open a box, tighten a screw or snip a green wire (or is it the red wire?). I have one in each car, one in my office and the garage; even one in...
The New Social Status and the Cost of Envy

The New Social Status and the Cost of Envy

My first brush with social status came one Saturday morning in the summer of ’79. I was 11 years old and perched at the bottom of our driveway, waiting for the other kids to come out and play. Cue the neighbours opposite, approaching from my left in their brand...